
Will Masterbastion Kill You Testosterone

Will Masterbastion Kill You Testosterone

If you're one of the 25% of U.S. men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone-or one of the millions of men following testosterone boosting myths-you've probably tried anything and everything to raise your testosterone levels. But nothing seems to be working.

If you suffer from low testosterone, you may be experiencing:

  • Low libido and sex drive
  • Low sperm count
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diminished mood
  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog
  • Loss of vitality
  • Erectile dysfunction

Are you sick and tired of these symptoms making you sick and tired?

Of course, you are! So you visit your doctor, who prescribes some testosterone replacement therapy or medications or pumps or doodads… and yet you still feel the same crappy way.

That's because most therapies for testosterone don't get to the root of the issue. They raise T-levels in the short-term without attacking the underlying root cause.

So maybe you've even decided to make lifestyle changes to address these root-cause concerns. That's the first step towards overall health and increased testosterone.

But months later and you're still not seeing results.


Because there are a number of testosterone boosting myths floating around out in the "world wide web" that just don't work.

I'm here to debunk those myths to ensure that every lifestyle choice you make is optimizing your health with increased testosterone, regulated hormone levels, and a vibrant sex life!

So what are these testosterone boosting myths? And what can you do instead to exponentially boost your testosterone levels for real?

Myth 1: "Working out boosts your testosterone."

No, working out doesn't boost your testosterone. This is a common testosterone boosting myth. Working out the right way boosts your testosterone. Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to raising your testosterone levels.

Endurance exercise, like running and cycling, may actually reduce your free-floating testosterone levels. A number of studies have shown that prolonged endurance training can interrupt hormone production and damage the male reproductive system—aka lower testosterone.

Moreover, low testosterone generally means increased estrogen; increased estrogen can lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. This means that men with low testosterone are more susceptible to injuries during endurance exercise. It becomes a double whammy of problematic low T!

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be working out. In fact, you need physical exercise in order to lose weight and boost your testosterone. Instead, focus your exercise efforts on HIIT, lifting weights, and yoga.

High-intensity interval training has been shown to have a higher testosterone response than steady endurance exercise. It also burns more calories and boosts fat loss in both the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%. Losing weight thus helps to increase the level of free-floating testosterone, regulate hormones, and reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome.

Combining HIIT with weightlifting has been shown to help burn fat at a higher rate. Lifting weights helps to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. Plus, body muscle helps your body use up more energy and burn more fat. You'll burn fat at a faster rate, helping to quench weight-related low T.

Yoga has also been studied as a strong testosterone booster. Yoga can help lower stress and anxiety, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol kills testosterone production and destabilizes hormones. Yoga is able to minimize cortisol to improve T levels and overall reproductive health. Yoga has also been shown to boost libido, improve erection quality, improve orgasms, stimulate genital blood flow, and enhance sexual pleasure. It's time for downward dog if you ask me!

Myth 2: Eating fats hurts your testosterone levels.

Having fat on your body can lower your T levels, but eating fats will now lower your testosterone. In fact, you need fats in your diet because testosterone is fat-soluble. If you cut out fats, your free-floating testosterone has no where to run… so your T lowers in tandem.

In fact, low-fat diets are proven to kill your T. One study found that a diet with less than 40% fat drastically decreased testosterone levels. Another study found that increasing the percentage of calories from fat from 20% to 40% increased testosterone levels drastically. This study also found that a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduced testosterone by 12%. Moreover, fats are necessary to regulate the endocrine (hormone) system , including the production of testosterone.

Plus, eating fats can actually help you burn body fat. Research found that participants eating a low-fat diet only burned 18.8% of their energy from fat, while the high-fat diet group burned 41% of their energy from fat. Furthermore, the high-fat group had 13% higher testosterone levels .

Nevertheless, eating a diet too rich in fats can make you gain weight. And being overweight or obese will lower your testosterone levels. In this way, you'll want to eat healthy fats like omega 3s (fish), avocados, and coconut oil. You should also evenly balance all three of your macronutrients: carbs, fats, and protein. Learn more about how to create this balanced diet in my 4-week vitality transformation course .

Myth 3: Eating carbs hurts your testosterone levels.

In the same vein, people tend to demonize carbs. Nope, this is another testosterone boosting myth. In reality, carbs are absolutely necessary for hormone production. Sure, processed carbs are bad for you, but they give all carbs an unnecessarily bad rep. Whole-wheat products and grains are vital to ensure your body stays healthy and functioning.
A study by the University of North Carolina found that participants on a low-carb diet had reduced testosterone and raised cortisol (which kills the production of T). On the other hand, a Life Sciences Journal Study found that men on a high-carb diet for 10 days had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

In this way, scientists have concluded that carbs help keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol not only stops the production of testosterone but also binds to free-floating testosterone for a double whammy of low T. Carbs can help fight off these T-killing effects of cortisol. If you want to boost your testosterone, stick to a moderate amount of whole-wheat, full-grain carbs.

Myth 4: Soy will increase testosterone levels.

Soy is commonly considered a healthy protein alternative to "fatty" meats. Not in the testosterone boosting myth busters house! Soy can be found in a number of protein powders, as people assume soy can help build muscle. The real reason "soy protein isolate" is used in so many protein powders? It's cheap and easy to come by.

Researchers have found that soy can actually lower testosterone and raise cortisol. This is likely because soy is highly estrogenic, so much so that one study even found male subjects had enlarged breast and nipple discharge when eating high amounts of soy. This is obviously not what any guy wants who is trying to raise their testosterone levels. Perhaps they will have better luck with a testosterone booster taken as a dietary supplement.

Moreover, men who eat a lot of soy were found to have high levels of equol in their bloodstream. Equol is an anti-androgen that shuts down hormone production, making the manufacture of testosterone impossible. This soy-related diminishment of hormone production can also lead to infertility and low sperm count .

Steer clear of soy if you're working on boosting your testosterone levels. Watch out for "soy protein isolate" in your protein powders. Be aware of the soy content in your sushi platters.

If you're lactose intolerant and use soy as an alternative, try almond milk or cashew milk instead. These nut milks are lower in calories and higher in testosterone-boosting goodness. Learn more about alternative foods with my 4-week vitality course , which will give you tips and tricks for eating the right foods for health and wellness.

Myth 5: Drinking alcohol gives you a "man's" boost.

The image of sipping a cold beer or scotch seems "manly," and so many people naturally associate alcohol with testosterone. However, booze actually lowers your testosterone levels, reduces fertility, and promotes weight gain. One study found that alcohol, even in the short-term, can severely suppress the synthesis of testosterone. Some studies even show that two drinks per day can cause these testosterone-minimalizing effects. Alcohol has also been linked to erectile dysfunction, depression, and anxiety—all of which are related to low T.

Plus, alcohol makes you gain weight. Drinking your calories without any nutritious value is a sure-fire way to quickly increase the number on the scale. And the higher the number on the scale, the lower your testosterone.

Alcohol also influences the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing testosterone and ridding the body of excess estrogen. While you're drinking, the liver has to instead work to metabolize the alcohol rather than rid the body of estrogen. Estrogen then builds up in the body, which suppresses T production and stores more fat.

Beer is especially a testosterone killer. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic, so much so that beer is being studied as a treatment for hot flashes in menopausal women. The estrogenic properties in beer slow down testosterone production and pack on the pounds towards a double whammy of low T.

Alcohol of any type is the enemy of your testosterone by stopping testosterone production, increasing estrogen, raising cortisol, damaging the liver, and increasing fat storage. The more you drink, the lower your testosterone.

It's okay to drink in moderation, though. Have one glass per day or keep your drinking to once per week.

Myth 6: ED medications help with boosting testosterone.

The relationship between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction is complex and not fully understood . But we know that treating ED doesn't solve low testosterone, and raising testosterone doesn't necessarily treat ED. Although the two are linked, they're not interdependent. A man could have low testosterone and diminished libido but still have the ability to have an erection. Another man may be incredibly horny with a high sex drive, but he can't seem to have an erection when the time comes. ED and low T both affect sex, but they're not the same.

In this way, erectile dysfunction medications are not a solution for low T.

Moreover, ED medications could actually affect your testosterone levels in some way. Because ED medications like Viagra and Cialis only mask the symptoms of an underlying problem, they can actually create more psychological concerns. These can influence your brain's ability to send signals to the endocrine system to make testosterone.

If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor to see if you have low testosterone as well. The two are not the same, but they can often be treated with similar lifestyle changes.

Myth 7: Masturbation boosts your testosterone.

Some men have the belief that the more you masturbate, the higher your testosterone levels. The thought process goes that every time you get aroused, your testosterone levels go up. So masturbating and getting aroused often is good for T levels… right? Negative, this is another one of those crazy testosterone boosting myths.

Well, that's not exactly how it works. While it's true that arousal boosts testosterone in the short-term, masturbating too often can create hormonal imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Frequent masturbation over-stimulates the levels of dopamine (which is the hormone that triggers sexual pleasure).

If dopamine is released too often, your body stops responding to it. This means that when you masturbate, you won't feel the same sort of satisfaction that you do in the past. This not only destabilizes your hormones and forces testosterone to take a back seat… it also creates a masturbation addiction.

You're constantly looking for that sexual pleasure, but you can't achieve it because your brain has become desensitized to the related dopamine.

Moreover, multiple ejaculations increase the level of estrogen in the body. The more you ejaculate, the lower your androgen receptor activity (aka lower free-floating testosterone). Higher estrogen and lower testosterone can throw your body out of whack for days. If this happens often, like with a masturbation addiction, this imbalance can severely damage your T levels long-term.

Still, some studies suggest that a short-term sexual abstinence of 7 days can result in a 145% spike in testosterone. Nevertheless, too much abstinence can lower your testosterone.

So what's the solution? Have sex. Find a partner, though some prefer the use of a sex doll, and revel in that intimacy. Unlike masturbation, sex is proven to increase testosterone levels because of the sexual arousal and personal intimacy needed for the act. Older men who have sex have higher testosterone levels than those who don't, and a study of couples found they had higher T levels on nights where they had sex over nights they didn't.

Having sex 1-2 times a day will keep your testosterone strong and your health and wellness vivacious. Doctor's orders!

Bottom Line

Don't believe everything you read or hear about testosterone. It is possible to boost your testosterone with natural and healthy lifestyle changes. But those changes shouldn't necessarily include endurance exercise, depriving yourself of fats and carbs, eating too much soy, over-drinking, and over-stimulating your mini-me.

If you want to increase your testosterone levels with healthy lifestyle changes, learn more with my article 13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally . Ready to take the ultimate step? Sign up for our Male 90X program, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will get you started on a total body transformation.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for Male 90X now!

Will Masterbastion Kill You Testosterone


Bedroom Door Handle With Lock And Key

Bedroom Door Handle With Lock And Key

  • Doors & Windows

7 Things to Know Before Replacing Door Locks

Learn when and how to enhance home security by replacing—or rekeying— your door locks.

7 Things to Know Before Changing Locks on a Door


Your home is only as secure as the locks on its doors. Over time, or as a result of security situations, you may feel the need to change your locks to protect your safety and privacy. There are several ways to accomplish this, so if you're considering replacing the door locks on your house, keep reading. We'll help you understand when it's essential, and when you can get by with a simpler, less expensive lock-changing method.

1. Know the difference: replacing vs. rekeying.

Changing locks on a door can involve either replacing them or rekeying them. Both methods ensure that old keys will no longer open the lock. At the end of this article, you'll find a full cost comparison of replacing versus rekeying, by a professional locksmith and as a DIY job.

  • Replacing door locks. The most comprehensive method of ensuring security, it involves removing the existing lock from the door (including the handle if it's a handle-lock combo) and then installing a brand new lock in its place. Expect to pay $80 to $300 per lock, depending on quality, and up to $200 more for professional installation. Many door locks, however, are DIY-friendly and come with installation instructions.
  • Rekeying door locks. In apartment complexes, this is now the most common way of changing locks on a door. Rekeying involves realigning the pins and springs in the inner workings of the lock in order to match the lock to a new key. Click here to learn more about the rekeying process. You'll pay $15 to $25 for a kit that allows you to rekey the locks yourself. If you have it done professionally, expect to pay $80 to $160 dollars to have a locksmith come out and do the job.

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Here's Why You Should Be Changing Locks on a New House


2. Rekey when you move.

When a new house is under construction, a variety of people—including subcontractors, inspectors, and real estate agents—will have keys to the door. A new homeowner won't want keys in the hands of all those people, so the lock should be rekeyed. This is typically a part of the sales process (and the responsibility of the builder), although the buyer's real estate agent is the one who makes sure it's complete before closing. Rekeying is a good idea any time you move into a different home because you never know how many keys are floating around. When you're buying an existing house, you're on the hook for having the locks rekeyed. If you're renting, check your lease agreement for regulations about changing locks on a door—you may be required to give the landlord a key to the newly rekeyed lock.

3. Replace damaged locks.

Like all mechanisms with moving parts, a lock eventually wears out. Jamming the wrong key into a lock or just the repetitive movement of locking and unlocking the door over time can damage the internal mechanism, resulting in a key that sticks or is difficult to turn. Rekeying a damaged or worn lock won't solve the issue, because it can't make a worn-out lock new again—preexisting problems with the locking mechanism will still be there. In this situation, it's best to bite the bullet and replace the entire lock.

7 Things to Know Before Changing Locks on a Door


4. Change the locks when your keys have been lost or stolen.

If your house keys are ever stolen, one of your first orders of business is changing the locks on your doors so no one can gain access to your home. Rekeying is the method of choice in this situation, just as it would be if a family member misplaced a key or otherwise lost track of it. The one instance when you'd need to replace the entire lock is if the only key to the lock went missing. The rekeying process requires the use of an original key; if you don't have one you'll have to replace the entire lock.

5. Consider the convenience of a single key.

It's annoying to fumble through half a dozen keys because the front door key doesn't fit the backdoor or the side door locks and vice versa. The convenience of having a single key fit all the locks on your house (including the garage) can be accomplished by rekeying—as long as you have the same brand of locks on all the doors. Rekeying techniques (and key styles) vary from one manufacturer to another. For example, if all the locks on your house are Schlage, you can rekey all of them to fit the same key. If the locks are of various brands, you'll need to replace some to have all rekeyed to accept a single key.

6. Better locks mean better security.

After a break-in or a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood, many homeowners upgrade to more secure locks. Modern door locks offer cutting-edge technology that both improves and simplifies home security. Many of today's locks feature a keypad with a code instead of an old-fashioned key to unlock the door. The keypad can be programmed to accept a numerical digit code that can easily be reset to a new code if necessary.

High tech has gone even deeper into home security, via smart locks synced to a phone, tablet, or PC, allowing you to lock and unlock the door remotely. Smart locks will also send an alert to your device if the door is unlocked in your absence.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Burglar-Proof Your Home for Under $100

7. Cost comparison.

Replacing door locks is more expensive than rekeying them, but you can save money on both if you do the job yourself. Before deciding, consider the following cost breakdown.

Here's What to Expect Changing Locks on a Door to Cost


Replacing Door Locks

  • You'll pay from $40 to $300 to buy a new door lock, depending on design, materials, and whether it's a simple key-in-knob lock or a high-end lock-and-handle combo with smart technology features.
  • Professional locksmith installation can add another $80 to $200, depending on the complexity of the lock.
  • Replacing door locks is a relatively simple DIY project. If you know your way around a basic screwdriver, you should be able to tackle it in under an hour. Full installation instructions come with the new locks and customer support hotlines are often available to answer any questions.

Rekeying Door Locks

  • Homeowners rarely rekey their own locks, often thinking it's too difficult, but major lock manufacturers do sell brand-specific rekeying kits. The kits cost a mere $15 to $25 from the lock manufacturer, a hardware store, or online retailer (this Kwikset Rekey Kit, available from Amazon, is designed to rekey Kwikset locks).
  • A locksmith will charge $80 to $160 to rekey a lock.
  • If you're not sure you want to rekey your own locks but would rather not pay a locksmith to come to your home, there's a third option. Remove the lock from the door with a screwdriver and take it to your local hardware store or key shop, where the technician can rekey it for you for $5 to $10.

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Bedroom Door Handle With Lock And Key


How To Add A Bathroom To A Bedroom

How To Add A Bathroom To A Bedroom

Best Toilets for Your Bathroom

Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

The toilet is perhaps one of the most important features of your bathroom and selecting one for a bathroom shouldn't be an afterthought. Color, style, and cost are important factors to consider, but you also want a toilet that's comfortable and works well.

Fortunately, many people who've purchased toilets in the past left reviews to help future buyers make an informed decision. These toilets rank among the best according to people who've installed and used them.

Best Overall: American Standard Champion-4

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Homeowners and contractors alike rate the American Standard Champion-4 highly. It's easy to install, quiet to use and comfortable to sit on. Reviewers also like that it has a stylish design that helps enhance the look of their bathrooms after a remodel. It is available in standard and elongated formats.

Best Value: Glacier Bay One-Piece N2420

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

With its low price and utility-saving features, the Glacier Bay One-Piece N2420 offers incredible value. It has dual-flush technology that allows you to control the flow rate. Reviewers love that it performs just as well as toilets that cost two to three times more. They also like the sleek and modern design.

Budget-friendly Pick: Glacier Bay Two-Piece N2428R-DF

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

Out of hundreds of reviews, most purchasers rate the Glacier Bay Two-Piece N2428R-DF as a "good buy." It's priced at less than $100, bringing the cost of your bathroom remodel down. At 2.4 inches, the height is slightly higher than many standard toilets, adding to users' comfort. Reviewers state that it's easy-to-install, conserves water, and works reliably.

Easiest to Clean: American Standard Cadet 3 FloWise

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

EverClean technology makes the American Standard Cadet 3 FloWise one of the easiest to keep clean and sanitized. This technology inhibits mold and mildew growth. The PowerWash rim scrubs the bowl to make it cleaner with every flush. Many reviewers purchased more of this model after installing one because they loved its look, operation, and features so much.

Easiest to Install: Kohler Santa Rosa

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

People without a lot of plumbing knowledge found that the Kohler Santa Rosa toilet was easy to install without the help of a contractor. Reviewers like the one-piece design that gives it a sleek look and makes it easy to clean. They also love that the toilet seat is easy to remove and install without tools.

Best High-end Toilet: TOTO Ultramax II

Photo Courtesy: Lowe's

For major bathroom upgrades, the TOTO Ultramax II has all of the features that fit the bill. Reviewers were especially impressed with the flush power and stated that it had as much power as commercial toilets despite its water-saving design. Additionally, the bowl has a special glazing that prevents particles from sticking to keep the bowl looking clean all the time.

Most Comfortable: Kohler Cimarron

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

Many toilets are too low for adults to use comfortably. The chair-height design of the Kohler Cimarron makes it more comfortable to use and more comfortable for sitting and standing. Other features that users love are the DryLock design that prevents leaks and the ease of installation even for those who've never installed a toilet before.

Most Attractive Design: Woodbridge T-0019

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The skirted trapway gives the Woodbridge T-0019 an upscale look that's also easy to clean. It has a modern look that goes well with any bathroom remodel. It has a space-saving design that fits in any size bathroom. In addition to its nice appearance, reviewers also love that it's comfortable.

Best Quality: Kohler Highline Classic

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot

Reviewers give the Kohler Highline Classic 4.5 stars for quality. The toilet comes with everything you need to install it right out of the box. Materials are sturdy, reliable, and built to last. It's comfortable to use, and uses less water than other standard models. Overall, reviewers were happy with the quality of this toilet and that it worked better than expected.

Best Eco-friendly Model: American Standard H2Option

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The WaterSense-certified American Standard H2Option uses 25 percent less water than standard toilets. It uses just one gallon of water for a light flush, which puts it below other eco-friendly models too. Even with its water-conserving design, reviewers were impressed with the amount of power behind each flush.

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How To Add A Bathroom To A Bedroom


Cool Cozy Bedroom Ideas

Cool Cozy Bedroom Ideas

Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

The 20 Coziest Bedrooms Ever

Cancelling nighttime plans from now until forever.

Bedroom, Furniture, Bed, Room, White, Property, Bed frame, Bed sheet, Interior design, Bedding,

Courtesy of Ronen Lev for Nicole Franzen

In theory, your bedroom should be the most comfortable room in your house, but it's easy to sacrifice comfort when your design aesthetic comes into play. Form over function literally any day of the week—but that doesn't have to be the case. These bedrooms prove you can have all the cozy vibes, and all of the chicness in one. Getting out of bed in the morning just got that much more difficult.

1 of 20

White on White

Cozy vibes hack: Add a giant, chunky knit throw. Even though this bedroom is massive, it still feels intimate thanks to a mostly all-white color scheme, and maybe the most comfortable looking bed ever.

See more at Nicole Frazen.

2 of 20

Au Naturel

Even if your space is mostly neutral, you can add character—and coziness—thanks to natural textures. This room features alpaca pillows & a throw, a suede shade, and linen.

See more at Rip & Tan.

3 of 20

Pretty In Pastels

Soft blues and pinks add dimension without overpowering this room. Sheer panels and a wrought-iron bed up the cottage vibes.

See more at Emily Henderson.

4 of 20

Green With Envy

Unexpected, totally, but an earthy, forest green is seriously all the cozy feels. Combine it with rich, patterned textiles and we're done for.

See more at Amber Interiors.

5 of 20

Genie In A Bottle

No one would have guessed this room used to be a sad little attic. With a dressing room below and a spot for sleeping up top, this two-level bedroom is a boho dream come true.

6 of 20

Glamp It Up

We'll go camping if it looks like this. The alfresco bedroom is outfitted with all-weather fabric, so even if it's disgusting outside, you'll still be nice and cozy.

7 of 20

Cloud Nine

Fact: canopy beds aren't just for kids. This Georgia beach house features a four-poster canopy bed topped with yards of white voile drape that looks like an actual cloud.

8 of 20

Keep Calm & Carry On

White paint might seem like the only way to make a tiny room feel lighter and airier, but light blue can have the same effect, and feels totally calming.

9 of 20

Texture For Days

Nothing makes you want to curl up in bed like soft textures. Though this room is OTT glam, the velvet headboard and faux fur blanket make it another level of cozy.

10 of 20

Snug As A Bug

Bunk beds never looked so chic. The South Carolina bedroom has bold blue bunk beds accented with a geometric pattern, and features built-in bookshelves for late-night reading.

11 of 20

Swing, Swing

Turn that awkward corner into your favorite spot in your house with a hanging chair. It's the ultimate place to read or take a nap.

12 of 20

Go Sheer

This canopy bed draped with sheer panels ups the romantic vibes in the Florida vacation home. Skip the overhead canopy and stick with side panels for a more modern approach.

13 of 20

Linen Love

How to make a small bedroom even cozier: linen-covered walls. The texture feels more homey than traditional wallpaper.

14 of 20

Tweed But Not Twee

In this master bedroom, lavender accents contrast against walls in a grey tweed. All the rich textures makes the room feel extra cozy.

15 of 20

Modern Meets Farmhouse

This bold spindle bed is the focal point of this Vermont farmhouse bedroom. The contrast between this and the rest of the room's soft colors and velvet fabrics makes it feel all kinds of romantic.

17 of 20

Balls To The Wall(paper)

Floral wallpaper turns a small guest room in a Hollywood Hills farmhouse into a romantic retreat. The pattern gives the room so much texture, it feels welcoming and inviting.

18 of 20

So Fresh, So Clean

In this New York beach house, the warm wood walls were sanded and covered in a diluted wash. White bed linens look even more crisp and fresh when they're paired with wood.

19 of 20


This master bedroom is entirely wood-paneled. It feels almost like the inside of a treehouse.

20 of 20

Curtain Call

Curtains aren't just for your windows—in this bedroom, curtains cocoon the bookshelves, as well. The overall effect is private and intimate.

Commerce Editor Sienna Livermore is a commerce editor at Hearst covering best-selling products, home items, fashion, beauty, and things you just can't live without.

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Cool Cozy Bedroom Ideas


Exposed Beams Bedroom

Exposed Beams Bedroom

The Carney's

Welsh Oak Frame

Inspiration for a farmhouse bedroom in Other with white walls, carpet, beige floors, exposed beams and a vaulted ceiling.

The Zen Garden

Unique Homestays

Photo of a medium sized country guest bedroom in Kent with white walls, light hardwood flooring and exposed beams.

The Potting Shed

Javier Encinas Photography

Inspiration for a rural bedroom in Other with white walls, grey floors, exposed beams, a vaulted ceiling and brick walls.

Mill House

HollandGreen Interiors

A stunning country master bedroom with a four poster bed, exposed beams and French doors leading onto the garden.
Photo of a large rural master bedroom in Oxfordshire with beige walls, dark hardwood flooring, brown floors, exposed beams and feature lighting.

Shawfield Street

Knight Frank Interiors

This is an example of a classic guest bedroom in London with white walls, medium hardwood flooring, no fireplace, brown floors and exposed beams.

Sanderson Port Issac Bedroom

Sanderson Port Issac Bedroom

Alice Margiotta

Coastal Bedroom Styled for Sanderson. Wallpaper & Fabrics Sanderson Port Issac. Photography by Andy Gore
Design ideas for a traditional guest and grey and brown bedroom in Other with dark hardwood flooring, tongue and groove walls, panelled walls, wallpapered walls, multi-coloured walls, no fireplace, brown floors, exposed beams and a timber clad ceiling.

Modern Living in Florida

Pineapple House Interior Design

The Master Bedroom continues the theme of cool and warm, this time using all whites and neutrals and mixing in even more natural elements like seagrass, rattan, and greenery. The showstopper is the stained wood ceiling with an intricate yet modern geometric pattern. The master has retractable glass doors separating it and its private lanai.

Walnut Grove


Farmhouse bedroom in San Francisco with white walls, carpet, grey floors, exposed beams, a timber clad ceiling and a vaulted ceiling.

Organic Modern,  Cordillera Ranch

Organic Modern, Cordillera Ranch

NR Interiors

Designing the Master Suite custom furnishings, bedding, window coverings and artwork to compliment the modern architecture while offering an elegant, serene environment for peaceful reflection were the chief objectives. The color scheme remains a warm neutral, like the limestone walls, along with soft accents of subdued greens, sage and silvered blues to bring the colors of the magnificent, long Hill country views into the space. Special effort was spent designing custom window coverings that wouldn't compete with the architecture, but appear integrated and operate easily to open wide the prized view fully and provide privacy when needed. To achieve an understated elegance, the textures are rich and refined with a glazed linen headboard fabric, plush wool and viscose rug, soft leather bench, velvet pillow, satin accents to custom bedding and an ultra fine linen for the drapery with accents of natural wood mixed with warm bronze and aged brass metal finishes. The original oil painting curated for this room sets a calming and serene tone for the space with an ever important focus on the beauty of nature. The original fine art landscape painting for this room was created by Christa Brothers, of Brothers Fine Art Marfa.


Lawson A+D

Rustic master bedroom in Seattle with medium hardwood flooring, exposed beams and panelled walls.

Beach House

Sarah Schmidt

Inspiration for a medium sized coastal master bedroom in Hawaii with white walls, porcelain flooring, grey floors, exposed beams and tongue and groove walls.

Loft à Neuilly Plaisance


Photo of a medium sized contemporary guest bedroom in Paris with multi-coloured walls, medium hardwood flooring, brown floors, exposed beams, a vaulted ceiling and wallpapered walls.

Modern Mountain

Fiddlehead Design Group, LLC

Design ideas for a traditional bedroom in Minneapolis with grey walls, carpet, no fireplace, grey floors, exposed beams, a drop ceiling and wallpapered walls.

Artisan Home Tour Staging // Kansas City 2020

Artisan Home Tour Staging // Kansas City 2020

Amethyst Home

This fall, Amethyst had the opportunity to partner with Freeman Custom Homes of Kansas City to furnish this 5000 sq ft European Modern designed home for the Artisan Home Tour 2020! Every square inch of this home was magical -- from the secret staircase in the master bath leading to a private shuttered plunge pool to the vaulted kitchen with sky high mushroom colored cabinetry and handmade zellige tile. We met the builders during the cabinetry phase and watching their final, thoughtful design details evolve was such full of over-the-top surprises like the unique valet-like storage in the entry and limestone fireplace! As soon as we saw their vision for the home, we knew our furnishings would be a great match as our design style celebrates handmade rugs, artisan handmade custom seating, old-meets-new art, and let's be honest -- we love to go big! They trusted us to do our thing on the entire main level and we enjoyed every minute. The load in took 3 full trucks and fortunately for us -- the homeowners fell in love with several pieces so our uninstall trip was significantly lighter. I think we were all a little emotional leaving this masterpiece but sooooo happy for the owners and just hoping we get invited to a Christmas party... Here are some of the highlights -- 90% of the furnishings and rugs were from our shop and we filled in the gaps with some extra special pieces!


AHG Interiors

Design ideas for a medium sized midcentury master bedroom in New York with white walls, light hardwood flooring, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace surround, beige floors and exposed beams.

Before and after Master Bedroom

Before and after Master Bedroom

Styled by Chanel, LLC

Before & After Master Bedroom Makeover From floor to ceiling and everything in between including herringbone tile flooring, shiplap wall feature, and faux beams. This room got a major makeover that was budget-friendly.

Lake Austin Scenic

Mark Ashby Design

Design ideas for a medium sized mediterranean master bedroom in Austin with beige walls, medium hardwood flooring, no fireplace, brown floors, exposed beams, a vaulted ceiling and a wood ceiling.

Exposed Beams Bedroom




